Thursday, July 9, 2009


7-9-2009. . . .Vindication!

The enemy knows his job and is committed to doing it well. We shouldn't be surprised or shocked when attacks spring up from seemingly out of nowhere. In fact, expect them! When attacks come, also expect God to be your shield and protection. If you trust Him, He will ensure that you shine in midst of your darkness. . . . maintain your joy in the midst of your distress. . . . keep your head lifted in the midst of ridicule! “LORD, how are they increased that trouble me! many are they that rise up against me. Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. Selah. But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. (Ps 3:1-3 KJV) Stay confident and encouraged under fire and you will see vindication!

Prayer: Lord you are my shield and my protection, even the lifter up of my head. Help me stand confident and encouraged in the mist of my attacks. Amen!

Ps 3. . . . O Lord, so many are against me. So many seek to harm me. I have so many enemies. So many say that God will never help me. But Lord, you are my shield, my glory, and my only hope. You alone can lift my head, now bowed in shame. I cried out to the Lord, and he heard me from his Temple in Jerusalem. Then I lay down and slept in peace and woke up safely, for the Lord was watching over me. 6 And now, although ten thousand enemies surround me on every side, I am not afraid. I will cry to him, "Arise, O Lord! Save me, O my God!" And he will slap them in the face, insulting them and breaking off their teeth. For salvation comes from God. What joys he gives to all his people. TLB

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