4-16-2009. . . .Daily Benefits!
I received an email once that was entitled ‘Message from God.’ The message said, “Good morning this is God. . . I will be handling all your problems today. . . I will not be needing any assistance from you . . . have a nice day.” The levity of the message was quite humorous, but no less true. Consider it in the context of Psalm 68:19. . . ."Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.” The word ‘Selah’ at the end of the verse is likened unto a punctuation or a musical notation - -a rest or a pause. In other words, take a moment to think about what was just said. ‘He daily loads us with benefits!’ He daily bares all our burdens. . . .a task He freely and willingly takes upon Himself; never seeking or needing any assistance from us, though the burdens are ours. When we awoke this morning, before our feet could hit the floor and even before we bowed our knees to pray, we had already received our daily allotment of benefits. Let’s see now: new mercies, we need that. . . . forgiveness of sin, we need that. . . .everything that pertains to life and to godliness, we need that. . . .redemption through His blood, we have that! I could and will go on with my list later, but right now, I invite you to ‘Selah’. . . . pause. . . take a moment to think about all the benefits that He has daily loaded us with, and then join me in completing the list. I doubt if we can finish it. In fact, I believe the more we look, the more we’ll discover. I have a suspicion however, that most people are so locked into their own routines and agendas that they never pause (Selah) not even for second, to recognize the benefits they have received. . . .Benefits expressly provided to lighten their burdens and enable them in this day they have never seen before. . . and will never see again. . . to simply rejoice and be glad in it! "This is the day, which the LORD hath, made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Ps 118:24 KJV
I received an email once that was entitled ‘Message from God.’ The message said, “Good morning this is God. . . I will be handling all your problems today. . . I will not be needing any assistance from you . . . have a nice day.” The levity of the message was quite humorous, but no less true. Consider it in the context of Psalm 68:19. . . ."Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.” The word ‘Selah’ at the end of the verse is likened unto a punctuation or a musical notation - -a rest or a pause. In other words, take a moment to think about what was just said. ‘He daily loads us with benefits!’ He daily bares all our burdens. . . .a task He freely and willingly takes upon Himself; never seeking or needing any assistance from us, though the burdens are ours. When we awoke this morning, before our feet could hit the floor and even before we bowed our knees to pray, we had already received our daily allotment of benefits. Let’s see now: new mercies, we need that. . . . forgiveness of sin, we need that. . . .everything that pertains to life and to godliness, we need that. . . .redemption through His blood, we have that! I could and will go on with my list later, but right now, I invite you to ‘Selah’. . . . pause. . . take a moment to think about all the benefits that He has daily loaded us with, and then join me in completing the list. I doubt if we can finish it. In fact, I believe the more we look, the more we’ll discover. I have a suspicion however, that most people are so locked into their own routines and agendas that they never pause (Selah) not even for second, to recognize the benefits they have received. . . .Benefits expressly provided to lighten their burdens and enable them in this day they have never seen before. . . and will never see again. . . to simply rejoice and be glad in it! "This is the day, which the LORD hath, made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Ps 118:24 KJV
Prayer: Lord, Thank you for freely and willingly taking on all my burdens today! You can handle them much better than I can. Amen!
Matt 11:28-30. . . . Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. KJV
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