7-28-2009. . . .WHO ARE YOU?
Who are you? I don't mean what is your name or your title, neither your position or status. Who are you? Well, we are first who God made us and destined us to be! Secondly, who and what we become and are becoming is determined by what we think! "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:" (Prov 23:7 KJV) Perhaps the better question to ask is 'What are you thinking in your heart?' Beyond what is just in your mind, but what is at the very cord of your soul! That which is on the inside will always manifest itself on the outside in the form of our integrity and character. Our integrity and character will most often determine our actions and behavior. So, I ask again, 'What are you thinking. . . .Who Are You!' The answer to the first question will reveal the answer to the second. Guard your thoughts!
Prayer: Lord, thank you for knowing me. . . .for sanctifying and ordaining me. Perfect your divine will in my life. Help me to keep my thoughts pure so as not to pervert the image you are expecting me to become! Amen!
Ps 139:23-24. . . . Search me, O God, and know my heart; test my thoughts. Point out anything you find in me that makes you sad, and lead me along the path of everlasting life. TLB
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