7-2-2009. . . .Process to Patience!
While perusing the dictionary the other day in search of a word I happened across a familiar word and decided to review it’s definition. The word, ‘Patient’. . . .” Bearing or enduring pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance with calmness.” To be patient or to have patience is something we all want, but the process of obtaining it while undesirable, is yet necessary. “And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: . . . “ (Rom 5:3-5KJV) It is through pain, difficulty, provocation, and annoyance (tribulations) that we obtain Patience! (endurance) If we ask for ‘patience’ we should expect tribulations. Don’t be thrown by the process or in the process. By calmly going through it we demonstrate the very thing we desire and pursue. “Dear brothers, is your life full of difficulties and temptations? Then be happy, for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow. So let it grow, and don't try to squirm out of your problems. For when your patience is finally in full bloom, then you will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete. (James 1:4 TLB)
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