7-20-2009. . . . Perfect Union!
1 + 1 = 1! Not exactly the arithmetic we learned in school, but God’s formula for a ‘Perfect Union’ called marriage. One man, one woman, though individually unique, God makes them one! “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.” ( Eph 5:31 KJV) This ‘Perfect Union’ is God’s tool of evangelism in the earth in that it mirrors the ‘Perfect Union’ in the body of Christ! “I know this is hard to understand, but it is an illustration of the way we are parts of the body of Christ. (Eph 5:32 TLB) For this reason the enemy seeks to attack and destroy marriages. With love as the nucleus however, the ‘Perfect Union’ will stay in tact and never come apart. Value, cherish and honor the institution of marriage! It is God's Perfect Union.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for the ‘Perfect Union’ of marriage. Bless every marriage! Empower every man and every woman with everything they need to live a lifetime in their Perfect Union. Amen!
Heb 13:4. . . .Honor your marriage and its vows, and be pure; for God will surely punish all those who are immoral or commit adultery. TLB
Heb 13:4. . . .Honor your marriage and its vows, and be pure; for God will surely punish all those who are immoral or commit adultery. TLB
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