Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 6-25-2024. . . .SERVICE AND OBEDIENCE!

"And so my advice is, leave these men alone. If what they teach and do is merely on their own, it will soon be overthrown. But if it is of God, you will not be able to stop them, lest you find yourselves fighting even against God." (Acts 5:38-39 TLB) 

 Although, we may not like or agree with decisions our leaders make or directions our leaders take, it doesn't mean they are not being lead by God.  God has not called us to agreement, but to service and obedience.  

PRAYER: Lord, thank you for set men and women who you alone have appointed and anointed to be our leaders.  Help us to be their help and not their hindrance!  Amen.

Heb 13:17. . . .Obey your spiritual leaders and be willing to do what they say. For their work is to watch over your souls, and God will judge them on how well they do this. Give them reason to report joyfully about you to the Lord and not with sorrow, for then you will suffer for it too. TLB

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