"I have chosen the way of truth; I have set my heart on your laws. I hold fast to your statutes, O LORD; do not let me be put to shame." Ps 119:30-31 (NIV) Our choices have consequences! The nature of the consequence is contingent upon the nature of the choice. Bad choices bring bad consequences; good choices bring good consequences. What's your choice? Choose the ways of truth and hold fast to them! So shall you experience good consequences.
Prayer: Lord, lead us daily in the ways of truth and help us daily to make that choice our own. Amen!
2 Chron 6:30-31. . . . Hear from heaven where you live and forgive, and give each one whatever he deserves, for you know the hearts of all mankind. Then they will reverence you forever and will continually walk where you tell them to go. TLB
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