Tuesday, January 27, 2015


1-27-2015. . . . TAKE CARE NOT TO OFFEND!

"It is harder to win back the friendship of an offended brother than to capture a fortified city. His anger shuts you out like iron bars." (Prov 18:19 TLB)  Offense is more likely to occur when we are so driven by our own motives and agendas that we fail to regard or totally disregard the thoughts and feelings of others. Whether by omission or commission, irreparable damage will be the result of these actions.  It is better to take care not to offend at all than to try and mend those who we offend!

PRAYER: Lord, help us daily to be conscious of our actions and motives especially as they relate and have affect on others around us.  Let us be at peace with all men always.  Amen.

Prov 17:14. . . .It is hard to stop a quarrel once it starts, so don't let it begin. TLB

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