"The LORD our God spake unto us in Horeb, saying, Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount: (Deut 1:6 KJV) Although where we are may be good, comfortable, stable and even desirable, it was never intended for permanency. There is more for us, so we must expand our borders. Yes, this will require moving out of our comfort zones, but we will be the better for it. It's been good, but it's also been long enough! MOVE FORWARD!
Prayer: Lord, thank you for bringing us to our current place. Give us wisdom to understand there is more for us and the courage to move forward towards it! Amen.
Deut 2:7. . . . The Lord your God has watched over you and blessed you every step of the way for all these forty years as you have wandered around in this great wilderness; and you have lacked nothing in all that time.' TLB
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