Thursday, January 13, 2011


1-13-2011. . . .DON'T DO IT!
"Stop listening to teaching that contradicts what you know is right.  A worthless witness cares nothing for truth-he enjoys his sinning too much.  Mockers and rebels shall be severely punished." (Prov 19:27-29 TLB) No matter how often we hear something, or how loudly it is proclaimed, acknowledged and accepted by others, it doesn't make it right or true.  In fact, we know full well right from wrong when we hear it. Whatever contradicts what we know to be right (and all have listened and followed such at one time or another) should be rejected and ignored.  To listen, heed and follow such is to accept certain destruction.  So don't do it!

Prayer: Lord, direct our path in the direct of truth.  Let our feet never sway because of bad advice and unwise counsel. Keep our ears open to the truth.  Amen!

John 8:32 . . . . And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. KJV

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