Thursday, November 18, 2010


11-18-2010. . . .BECAUSE OF WHO WE ARE!

"In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job. This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil." (Job 1:1-2  NIV) For every action there is a reaction; for every cause there is an affect!  It stands to reason then, when things happen or go wrong in our lives, our first impulse is to wonder what we did or maybe, did not do to cause it!   Perhaps it's neither!  Consider this possibility; it is simply because of who we are!  We have matured spiritually and live in such a way that God trust us in adversity!   God doesn't trust Satan with us, (which is why he limits what Satan can do), but He trust us with the Satan!   Job did nothing to cause his dilemmas, but God said to Satan, "have you considered my servant Job."     How awesome it is to think that God trust us enough to suggest to Satan, consider us!  He knows we won't fail; He knows we won't give up - give out - give in - or give over!    Like Job, we will wait until our change comes, and come, it will!!!!  Stay encouraged trustworthy ones!

Prayer: Lord, sometimes our way seems so hard and our struggles so intense.  You however, know the paths we take.  Hold us in the hollow of Your hand as we continue to demonstrate our trustworthiness.  Amen!

Job 23:11-12. . . . "I have stayed in God's paths, following his steps. I have not turned aside.  I have not refused his commandments but have enjoyed them more than my daily food. TLB

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