2-2-2010. . . .YOU'll GET WHAT'S COMING TO YOU!
"And God has reserved for his children the priceless gift of eternal life; it is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay. And God, in his mighty power, will make sure that you get there safely to receive it because you are trusting him. (1 Peter 1:4-54 TLB) What God has for you, it is for you! What He has and freely gives to everyone who believes in His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, is eternal life! God does not stop there however! By His mighty power He keeps it in reserve for us and by that same power, daily blesses, keeps, protects and ensures that we will get to the place where we will receive what is coming to us! Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift!
Prayer: Lord, thank you for eternal life through your Son, Jesus! Thank you that by your power you ensure that we will get what's coming to us. Praise your Holy Name! Amen.
Jude 24. . . .And now-all glory to him who alone is God, who saves us through Jesus Christ our Lord; yes, splendor and majesty, all power and authority are his from the beginning; his they are and his they evermore shall be. And he is able to keep you from slipping and falling away, and to bring you, sinless and perfect, into his glorious presence with mighty shouts of everlasting joy. Amen. TLB
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