10-12-09. . . . REPENT AND RESPOND!
". . .The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel. (Mark 1:16 KJV) The announcement that ‘The Kingdom of God’ had arrived was the emphasis of Jesus’ inaugural sermon. It carried with it two simple requirements: ‘Repent and Respond’ by believing the good news! The message yet holds true and the requirements unchanged. Repent: not simply being Godly sorry, but ‘turn from’ the old sinful ways and ‘turn to’ the new way of the Kingdom. Today, if you have not received Jesus as your Savior and Lord, I urge you to Repent and Respond!
Prayer: Lord, for every person that does not know you, I ask that you reach out to them and save them. Use those of us that do know you to be witnesses of the Good News and spread it everywhere. Amen!
Rom 1:16-17. . . .For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is God's powerful method of bringing all who believe it to heaven. This message was preached first to the Jews alone, but now everyone is invited to come to God in this same way. This Good News tells us that God makes us ready for heaven-makes us right in God's sight-when we put our faith and trust in Christ to save us. TLB
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