9-8-2009. . . .WALKING PARTNERS!
“Walk with me Lord, walk with me - - Walk with me Lord walk with me - - all along this tedious journey - - I want Jesus to walk”! Like so many other things in life, who we choose as walking partners is important. By walking partners I mean, those person we associate with on a regular basis. These persons are in a position to exert determinant influence on our lives. Direction, destination, momentum and purpose can all be affected by and through their influence. Gen 6:9 makes note that “. . . Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.” KJV Noah walked with God because of the influence of those who walked with him and before him. Noah walked with Lamech (his Father) who walk with Methuselah, (Grandfather) who walked with Enoch (Great Grandfather) who walked with God! Four generations of determinant influence. Who is being influenced by our walk and who’s walk is having a determinate influence on us? Think about it! Your destiny and the destiny of others depends on it!
Prayer: Lord, thank you for ordering my steps and delighting in my way! Guide me always in the paths of divine destiny so that my walk will have positive determinant influence on others. Amen!
Amos 3:3. . . .Can two walk together, except they be agreed? KJV
Amos 3:3. . . .Can two walk together, except they be agreed? KJV
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