Wednesday, July 17, 2013


7-17-2013. . . .LET GOD DEAL WITH THEM!

"None of those who have faith in God will ever be disgraced for trusting him. But all who harm the innocent shall be defeated." (Ps 25:2-3 TLB)  It is natural to want to attack those who attack us, but what does that do to our witness?  Resist the urge to retaliate!  Remember, our enemies are God's enemies!  He has promised to deal with all those that harm us.

Prayer: Lord, I love you because you hear my cry and respond to my request.  Deal with those who position themselves against me and strengthen me to allow you to do so.  Amen!

Rom 12:19-21. . . . Dear friends, never avenge yourselves. Leave that to God, for he has said that he will repay those who deserve it. [Don't take the law into your own hands. ]  Instead, feed your enemy if he is hungry. If he is thirsty give him something to drink and you will be "heaping coals of fire on his head." In other words, he will feel ashamed of himself for what he has done to you.  Don't let evil get the upper hand, but conquer evil by doing good. TLB

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